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/Celebrating China's National Day

Celebrating China's National Day

Oct 01, 2024

As we eagerly anticipate one of the most important events in China, the National Day on October 1st, a sense of excitement and celebration permeates the air.

China's National Day commemorates the founding of the People's Republic of China, a momentous occasion that fills every Chinese heart with pride and joy. It is a time when the nation unites to celebrate its glorious history, remarkable achievements, and promising future.

At Nanxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., we are also joining in the festivities. We are delighted to announce that our company will be on holiday from October 1st to October 4th. This break provides our dedicated team with a much-needed rest and an opportunity to spend quality time with their families and friends, while enjoying the festive atmosphere.

During this period, we encourage everyone to take part in the various celebrations taking place across the country. Whether it's attending parades, visiting historical sites, or simply admiring the beautiful decorations in the cities, there is so much to experience and cherish.

As we look forward to this holiday, let us also take a moment to reflect on the progress and growth we have achieved as a nation and as a company. Let's be grateful for the opportunities we have and the support we receive.

Here's to a wonderful National Day celebration and a relaxing holiday for all at Nanxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.!

Best regards,

Nanxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

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